No early birds please.
Start clearing out your unwanted items! Clean donations (no electronics) can be dropped off at the Florence Filberg Centre February 21- 24.
Donations Needed!
We are appealing to all our members and friends for donations to make this EG fundraiser an exceptional one. Do you have any unwanted gifts, lightly or unused clothes, tools, toys, books, knickknacks, treasures or any dust gatherers you would like to part with? We will be accepting items, that are in good condition, in the Evergreen Lounge at the Filberg Centre from Tues. Feb. 21 to Fri. Feb. 24 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sorry we are not accepting computers, electronics or related items, or Christmas decorations. Please be sure all donations are clean, in good working condition and free from damage. To a make this event successful, it requires all hands-on deck! On Fri. Feb. 24th we will need volunteers to help with the set up and display. The day of the event, Sat. Feb. 25th, we are looking for volunteers to be greeters, table managers, floor people, cashiers and clean up. Please let Cathy know if you are able to volunteer to take a shift and help us out with our garage sale!