June 2021 - President’s Message
A message from Gord Kruger, Evergreen Club president
Greetings once again everyone!!.....It seems that the train I've been talking about for the last couple of months is slowly but somewhat surely getting back on track for some movement. After the recent announcements by Dr. Bonny and her political sidekicks it appears that there is room for new expectations about our future here at the Evergreen Club. Janet in her report this month will lay out some news and views on where we are and where we might be as the summer approaches. It appears that sometime in July we will slowly resume some club activities. The level of activity will start slowly and accelerate at an easy pace. Your patience and understanding will be important during the build-up period. If the trends in virus activity that we are now seeing and experiencing continue in the same way as they are now, we will no doubt see positivity in increased Evergreen activities. Hang In, Hang On and hope for the best and be sure to read Janet's report in this issue.
Your club executive had it's first meeting on Monday May 31st and it was an opportunity for us to finally get back together and talk Evergreen for the only the second time since all this Covid nonsense started. There was plenty of healthy discussion on the many aspects of getting the club back in gear as soon as we can and provide our membership with all the good things they deserve......the sooner, the better. Our financial picture is reasonably good considering what we have just gone through but revenue sourcing is important. That's why it is imperative that you get your membership renewed and up to date. Only members will be initially allowed to participate in club activities as they are resumed and any safety layers that are still in effect will be enforced. We also encourage our members to complete their vaccinations at their earliest convenience.
And so it is onward and forward to a better time in our lives....a time when we may be able to get back to some kind of normal. It may prove to be a slightly different normal but I'm sure even that will be wonderful considering what we've had to endure. Stay tuned because "Better Days" are on the way.
With that I will bid adieu........hope to see you at the Evergreen Club soon.....gk