April 2021 - President’s Message

A message from Gord Kruger, Evergreen Club president

Hello Once Again Everyone!!.......Well here we go again......another month has passed us by and we are into a second year of this Covid 19 nightmare and still we remain in a rather tenuous holding pattern. It does appear that a flicker of light has appeared at the far end of the tunnel but the train still seems to a long ways from the station. I'm not going to get into the specifics of what is happening as I will leave that to Janet in her report. There is however some movement on outdoor gatherings, so any sign of progress is a good thing. The fly in the ointment of course is the continuing high case numbers in British Columbia and specifically increases in numbers on the Island. We on the North Island continue to show the lowest numbers and smallest increases on the island but both of those are as high now or even higher than they have been previously. Those are the things that will determine just how quickly things will improve for us at the club. One of the real concerns in all of this is the increasing number of cases caused by the new variants. It should remind us to continue to put our safety layers at the forefront of all we do. Anyway, be sure to read Janet's comments in this newsletter and catch up on what is happening or what may be happening soon.

I'm sure many of you have had your vaccine injections by now. I had mine a couple of days ago and I met several of you on my way in and out. My experience was very positive. I found that things went very smoothly for me from the phone call in, to the needle, and finally to the finish, although with mine being the Pfizer vaccine, I guess I'm not really finished yet. That seems to be a bit of an unknown as to the second injection seems to be in a bit of a holding pattern. I was given a tentative time frame for my second Pfizer but was advised that it was indeed tentative. As you have probably heard, there is some question about second doses of Pfizer. However the injection itself was a simple prick which I hardly felt and little or no after effect.....as yet anyway. Probably the biggest inconvenience was the 15 minute wait after the needle to make sure one was OK. The plan to have everyone injected as soon as possible seems to be moving along quite well and our younger members should see their time come very soon now. DO NOT pass up the opportunity to get yours at your earliest opportunity.....it definitely does provide for some "Peace Of Mind".....take it from an old guy.

I think that that’s about a wrap for the moment, except to wish you all the very best ......and to once again urge you to get that inoculation as soon as you can. Please stay safe and please continue to use the safety protocols that have been provided. We are not done with this thing yet but as I mentioned earlier I think I see a bit of light at the end of the tunnel......I'm looking forward to seeing you all very soon......gk


May 2021 - President’s Message


March 2021 - President’s Message