October 2022 - President’s Message

A message from Gord Kruger, Evergreen Club president

Greetings Everyone!!!...I'm sitting here a few days ahead of our "Open House" to pen a special message that will get to press in time to talk a bit about that particular happening. I want people to know a thing or two about the Evergreen Club and what it has to offer.....and I want that information to be available to the people that may join us for that "OPEN HOUSE DAY". I would like you, the non members to get informed and hopefully join us as future new members. Our Evergreen Club Coordinator Janet Hutchinson along with Volunteer Coordinator Cathy Audia have put together a day of information that will help our guests and newer members learn about what goes on here. Please indulge in the day's activities and learn about the Evergreen Club.

We have many activity clubs that work within the Evergreen Club that provide all the activity that you may need. I'm sure you will find any number of things that may be of interest to you. We also have a very active "Day Trip" program that provides assorted travel opportunities to places and things that will interest you. We also have many "Special Events" that happen throughout the year such as our fashion show that was recently held.

There are "Friday Night Dances" with dance music provided by good local bands. There are some great lunch specials available at our Evergreen kitchen..... great quality and reasonable prices. There are just far too many things to mention here but information on all of this is available in our newsletter which is issued at the start of each month.

One of the really great things about the club is that it gives our members the opportunity to VOLUNTEER if they wish in any of the activities available..... what a great way to meet new people and make new friends. Our membership is back on the rebound after having taken a hit by the good old Covid bug. We would like you have a really great day with us and learn as much you can about the "EVERGREEN CLUB". There are information booths run by our very own members that will be able to tell you all you need to know about the many activity clubs.....there will also be entertainment and prizes given out.

And last, but certainly not least, when you have done your looking around and getting informed.....give some serious thought to JOINING US.....memberships will be available.....we would really really like you to be with us as part of the Evergreen Club.......THANK YOU!!


November 2022 - President’s Message


Evergreen Club Open House