President’s Message - November 2024

A message from Gord Kruger, Evergreen Club president

Greetings Everyone!! Time very smartly slips along and here we are with November upon us and "The Yuletide" not too far away. November is that kind of month that I really don't like looking forward to... and I'm sure many of you feel the same way. It's that time when you realize that the drab and dull shorter days are upon us, tanning is no longer an option and rain and wind are in plentiful supply. However Halloween will soon officially pass and you can now indulge in the leftover treats with little fear of causing short supply for the trick and treaters... and I suppose that could be considered a plus. But all is not lost to the drudgery of the days to come as "MOVEMBER " has arrived. With the leaves turning colour and falling and the air becoming crisper mustaches start popping up quicker than you can say pumpkin pie. Founded in 1993 the "No Shave November" thing has raised millions of dollars around the world for men's health... particularly the fight against prostate and testicular cancer and support of mental health and suicide prevention programs. It might be of interest to some of our male members, as by growing one, it's a chance for you to advocate, educate, and invite people around you to donate in support of men's health. There is a lot of online information available.

The Evergreen Club was a pretty busy place this past month. The "Pub Night" on the 18th was slowed a bit in numbers by the weather problems that evening, but for those who attended it was a fun night. The great old Rock & Roll music of the 50's & 60's was on full display and dancers were up and rockin'. They rocked, they twisted and they even had a go at the Macarena and the Chicken Dance... and I had a great time playing DJ. The Thanksgiving luncheon was a sold out event and by all reports the meal was excellent and very much enjoyed by all that attended. The Craft Fair that the club hosted on the 25th & 26th was sold out for vendors tables and the wonderful selection of items available kept the shoppers busy. This month our very own Drama Club’s “The Second Stage Players” will be presenting two light hearted plays. “Christmas On The Lake” & “Second Chance” . Show dates are Tuesday, November 19th as a matinee at 1:30 pm and as an evening show on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:00 pm. Performances will be held in the Conference Hall with admission of $10. The new trip this month happens on Thursday, November 14th and takes people to the Woodgrove Centre and the Nanaimo Casino and is called “Shop, Dine & Roll The Dice”.....should be a fun trip.

That’s a wrap for this month folks but I have a tip for a long and successful relationship... Don’t ask your wife when dinner will be ready while she is busy mowing the lawn... and something I overheard... The oldest computer was owned by Adam & Eve and it was an Apple with very limited memory... just one byte and everything crashed.

ADIOS my friends... gk


President’s Message - December 2024


President’s Message - October 2024